Traditional Easter Kulich
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Organic Sultanas

Bake something traditional this Easter with this fun kulich recipe!
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Bake something traditional this Easter with this fun kulich recipe!
Wash and dry six tin cans, butter the tins and line with baking powder. Sieve the flour, salt, mixed spice and cinnamon into a mixing bowl, rub in the butter and make a well in the centre for the sugar and yeast. Add the beaten egg and milk then mix together to form a dough.
On a clean work surface lightly dusted with flour, work the mixed dried fruit and peel, knead until smooth and elastic. Shape the dough into a bowl, place in a buttered mixing bowl, cover and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.
On a work surface, knock back the dough, divide into 6 equal parts, roll each into a ball, roll into a cylinder shape and place in the prepared tins. Cover and leave for half an hour.
Preheat the oven to 240C, bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown and turn out of the tins and leave to cool.
Mix the icing sugar and lemon juice together until thick. Spoon on top of the kulich buns and top with fruit and nuts.
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